Saturday, April 28, 2007

Spider-man 3

Don't understand why my classmate laughed at me when i told i wanna watch SM3. In fact, i am not very keen in this genre of movie, but i was attracted by one of the posters that promoting on MTR stations currently.

SM's character changed suddenly after his suit changed, from red to black. The dark, and vengeful side of his personality exposed...he became overconfident, and ignored people who care about him most......and he is struggling to regain the control of himself......blah blah blah...I'm leaving the story to you all...what's attacts me is the poster!

The poster and somehow the story do reflect our real lives. There's always a devil who live inside our heart and sometimes, we do eager and want to do something bad, or something out of our to maintain the balance? how to make decision? how to do good to our own lives?

A stilled image tells a story, the power of visual communication.

i luv it!

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